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The Davidsonville Area Civic Association (DACA) is a tax-exempt 501(c)4 organization recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Services. Dues and donations to DACA are not tax-deductible.
3.5" x 5" or 2.5" x 7"
1 issue
3.5" x 5" or 2.5" x 7"
March-April issue *
This Villager is printed and mailed to all 21035 postal patrons.
3.5" x 5" or 2.5" x 7"
6 issues
3.5" x 3.5"
1 issue
3.5" x 3.5"
March-April issue *
This Villager is printed and mailed to all 21035 postal patrons.
3.5" x 3.5"
6 issues
Business Card, 3.5" x 2"
1 issue
Business Card, 3.5" x 2"
March-April issue *
This Villager is printed and mailed to all 21035 postal patrons.
Business Card, 3.5" x 2"
6 issues
DACA will never "spam" its members or share our organization's email list with third parties.
Copyright © 2024 Davidsonville Area Civic Association - All Rights Reserved.