Residents of Davidsonville are encouraged to join DACA in order to stay informed about community news and events, and to enable our unincorporated region of the county to, when needed, speak with a collective voice.
Visit the Join or Support DACA page to learn about the options for becoming a member or a business or community supporter.
See the list at the bottom of this page detailing Davidsonville's geographic boundaries.
The Davidsonville Area Civic Association is led by an all-volunteer board of residents who are elected to terms of varying lengths at the annual membership meeting. Davidsonville residents can get involved by submitting their names for nomination to the board and/or by volunteering to take on specific tasks. Learn more about the Board and DACA's Mission and Bylaws.
The Davidsonville Area Civic Association (DACA) is a tax-exempt 501(c)4 organization recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Services. Donations and dues to paid to DACA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
DACA has two types of regular meetings:
The monthly board meeting usually occurs at 8 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month. The meeting is open to DACA members and guests. However, since the room for the monthly meeting is small, advance notice of membership attendance is requested so we can properly accommodate extra attendees.
Members who want to attend a meeting and/or add a topic to the agenda are asked to submit their request at least 48 hours in advance by completing the form on the Contact Us page.
The annual community meeting (commonly called the General Meeting) takes place in June.
Location: Davidsonville Family Recreation Center
3789 Queen Anne Bridge Road, Davidsonville, MD 21035
Davidsonville, Maryland's history dates back to the 17th century but it was settled around 1835 and it started its development into a crossroads town in 1839 when Thomas Davidson built a house at the intersection of what is now Davidsonville Rd (Rt 424), which travels North to South, and Central Avenue (Rt 214) which travels East to West.
ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) codes were implemented by the USPS on July 1, 1963 as a way to improve delivery service across the country. The 5 digit codes were assigned by geographic location or delivery efficiency and, in most cases, did not align to municipality boundaries.
In 1992, the Davidsonville Historic District was added by the Maryland Historical Trust to the list of Maryland’s National Register Properties. According to the trust, the crossroads of Routes 214 and 424 are “significant as a largely intact representative example of the type of crossroads community which characterized rural Anne Arundel County in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Davidsonville is among the best preserved examples of this type of community remaining in the county; other comparable villages have been obliterated by subsequent development. The village has maintained substantial integrity despite increasingly intensive development pressure in the surrounding area.”
According to the most recent U.S. Census, Davidsonville has a population of approximately 8,300 people residing in about 3,000 households.
The boundaries of the Davidsonville area for membership in DACA are:
When a boundary is a street or road, residential properties on both sides of the street are included as within the bounds. Non-residents interested in the activities of DACA may be awarded an associate membership under terms and with privileges determined by the Executive Committee.
To see the boundary map click Here.
Dues and donations to DACA are not tax-deductible.
Privacy: DACA will never share private information about our members or contributors with third parties.
Copyright © 2025 Davidsonville Area Civic Association
PO Box 222, Davidsonville, MD 21035 | All Rights Reserved