Preamble: We, the citizens of the Davidsonville Area, state and affirm our will to maintain and improve the quality of life in our community. We join together to counsel with one another so that we may wisely guide the growth and development of our village for the betterment of our lives and for the lives of our children and their children.
We recognize and seek to understand the many forces working to change our community. Indeed, many among us are a part of that change. We understand that all change is not bad, nor is all change good. We seek change that will balance the needs of agriculture and commerce but above all, the needs of the people who give our village life.
Be it resolved, therefore, that we establish a community civic association through which the people of this community may exert all just influence in the determination of matters bearing on the life of the community. Said association will avoid personal gain, parochial interest and partisan political advantage. It shall be open to all facets of opinion and shall serve as a forum in which the wants and needs of the community are discovered.
Download the bylaws of the Davidsonville Area Civic Association. Established November 1974 | Updated June 2019
DACA Bylaws (pdf)
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PO Box 222, Davidsonville, MD 21035 | All Rights Reserved